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Red Oil Painting



art in the age of decline

Based loosely on the ideas explored in the essay "creating art as a child of the winter" (please click here to read) our next show is being held at one of our most popular previous venues The Safehouse in Peckham, a pair of abandoned and dilapidated Victorian houses. The themes of the show are broadly decay, degradation, collapse and that feeling of dread that accompanies an impending sense of doom.



The Safehouse,

137/139 Copeland Road,

SE15 3SN

(2 min walk from Peckham Rye station).



Friday 24th to Sunday 26th November.


Private View -

Friday 24th,

between 6pm and 9pm.


Saturday 25th,

between 10am and 4pm.

Sunday 26th,

between 10am and 4pm.

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