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Making your Artist CV doesn't have to be painful, in fact it can be quite straight forward. The trick is to not over complicate it and only add recent, relevant information.


We suggest checking out our Artist CV Guide before using a template.

How to Use the Template:

  1. Click the link below to view the Artist CV Template

  2. Click File (top left!) and then click, make a copy

  3. Edit as required

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Artist Resume CV Template.WebP

Why Google Doc Format is Useful

Google Docs are easy to access on mac, windows and other operating systems. They are a familiar format for employers and galleries and can be easily edited as needed. They also don't need to be saved on a specific device as they are stored online/within the cloud.

Downloading your Artist CV

You can download your Artist CV as a PDF file or print it directly from the Google Doc. If a gallery or employer requires your CV in a specific format such as Microsoft Word, you can:

Go to File > Download > Choose Format Required

Sharing your Artist Resume

If you would like employers or galleries to access the Google Doc link directly, so that they can view your resume online. It's important that you set the sharing permissions correctly.

Go to: File > Share > Share with others

From here, you can give specific contacts access as well as set their permissions (view, comment or edit). We find it easier to just go to General Access and select: Anyone with a link can view

Do not select "Anyone with a link can edit" for obvious reasons.
It's also worth mentioning that we do not recommend using this sharing setting for confidential documents such as financial data, for those you'll need to invite people more carefully .

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anyone with a link can view info.png

Finding More Templates for an Art Resume

You can always use the ready-made resume templates provided by Google Docs. To access these, just go to , sign-in and then click Template Gallery ​(to view more).

Scroll down to the Resumes section where you'll find a few clean and simple templates that you can edit directly. If using these, as they are so popular - we'd advise changing the font colours / styles up a little bit to stand out from the crowd. Of course, these are for general CV (not just art!) but with a tiny bit of editing you can adapt these for your needs very easily. 

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How to Write an Artist CV

So you've got the template and example to refer to - but what do you actually put on there?
Luckily for you, we've put together a super simple guide on how to write your artist resume. Check it out to get some ideas!

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